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Old 06-22-2023, 07:32 PM   #89
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
Leadership didn't go well for me either. Long story short, I didn't have the votes necessary to get my way, so I had to make concessions. Cordell Hull ended up winning House Majority Leader instead of Speaker. And Carl Hayden ended up as Senate Majority Whip. Hayden gained manipulative and kingmaker (woohoo!), but still hasn't lost obscure. As part of my deal, if we retain control of the senate next session, my party is supposed to vote Hayden as Majority Leader if he still hasn't lost obscure. We'll see if that happens. One good thing about not getting either of those positions is that I don't have to assign committees, which is a chore.

Speaking of committees, Senator Henry F Ashurst was selected as the chairman of the Military/Foreign Affairs committee.

For my faction leader, Cordell Hull is still the only eligible candidate, so he remains. He gains leadership, expansionist, and everyman. If he wasn't passive, he would be about as ideal politician as ever lived. Since FDR is the president, he is automatically the party leader.

Speaking of FDR, he now gets to choose his cabinet. Daniel Roper was selected for Secretary of Treasury, James Forrrestal as Secretary of Commerce, George Marshall as ambassador to France, and Jesse Donaldson as ambassador to Germany. What could go wrong with having ambassadors to those countries in the 1930's? In real life, Donaldson was a mailman who rose all the way to Postmaster General under Truman. I'm imagining in this alternate reality he pulled some favors to the the ambassador job. Also, Adlai Stevenson was selected as Secretary of the Navy, but I declined that position, as I want to keep him on the career path for now. Because of that, George Marshall was instead nominated for Secretary of the Navy instead of an ambassador, which I accepted. All of them got through the Senate confirmation.

Next up is the events phase. Should be interesting.
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