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Old 06-21-2023, 04:28 PM   #221
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
1) Endure the fatigue sa you debrief on the events that happened. D20+CON.

You're exhausted and tired from the preceding battles and stresses of the invasion and kidnapping. You've been through a lot and your body and mind need rest.

16-1. Success. You muster up the mental fortitude to move past the exhaustion and press on. Gain +2 on the remaining rolls of the day.

2) Console and comfort Maddox. D20+CHA.

Virtue modifier: Virtue is 8. Gain +2 on this roll.

18+4+2+2. Success. Maddox agrees that things could have been worse. He's eager to help you in any way to help rescue his mother, including helping you repair the Karnack. Gain +3 to the next roll.

3) Search for ship parts to repair the Karnack and Fang. D20+INT, Investigator.

You look through the wreckage of downed Stitcher ships and various areas of the scrapyard for spare parts.

5+1+2+3. You find 4 Ship Parts to repair the ship.
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