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Old 06-17-2023, 07:06 PM   #7420
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by GrantDawg
It is a resource game, and part of the resource are your soldiers. If you take out the turn timer, the game would be way too easy.

If all you do is take out the turn timer, sure. But everything is balanced with that in mind. I.e. XCOM 1 was hardly considered too easy by most people - and it has difficulty levels. I've yet to meet the person who think the first XCOM on Impossible is a walk in the park, and Classic was even considered quite challenging.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. There are parts of it that I thought were promising. As far as the RTS comparison - it depends on which RTS you are talking about, but I dislike most modern RTS for similar reasons. My brother is a huge Starcraft 1 fan and recently played Starcraft 2; his impression was basically the same. It goes so fast you can't enjoy it basically. It's not about strategy to my mind so much as APM and memorizing hotkeys because you can't keep up with the action otherwhise. You can't ever just survey the battlefield and take your time considering what to do. You can do that in a turn-based game such as XCOM of course, but most of the time I'm not a fan of games that force a narrowly specific playstyle like this. A lot of gamers enjoy it, and more power to them. I enjoy things like Factorio, or RTS that have the ability to pause and give orders, AI War 2 being a good recent example that doesn't have heavy time pressure unless you intentionally add it via factions like the Scourge. In both cases the player has a lot of creative liberty in their playstyle.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 06-17-2023 at 07:18 PM.
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