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Old 06-14-2023, 11:25 AM   #115
Ghost Econ
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
I mean, one of the things that was taught back in middle school civics was that all gifts and things that the President gets while in office belong to the office, not the person. So if China gifts him a pretty vase at an official diplomatic function that after he leaves, he doesn't keep it. It stays with the WH and it's not actually his.

How did we go from that complete, total, and accepted version of the office of the President to this new one that says the President can just do what he wants when he wants because he's the President?

To be fair, I was at a beta club convention a few years ago where now Presidential hopeful Tim Scott proudly admitted to grade schoolers that he failed high school civics. It's a badge of honor for a certain part of the country.
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