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Old 06-09-2023, 07:58 PM   #133
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
They literally have the man on tape saying he had the docs. knew they were classified, knew they were secrets, and showed them to people.

I mean, what is there to argue here?

Beats me. Sounds serious enough. I guess we'll find out. His response looks like a selective prosecution argument, but not being a lawyer, I don't know if that's compelling. He also seems to go through lawyers rather... quickly.

I was arguing that the "his own gain" piece is missing, that's all. Of course, if being able to brag that he had classified documents is gain in his world...

Interpretation is important, I think. If you want to give Hillary and Biden the full benefit of the doubt, that's fine. Certainly she claimed at one point they were all about yoga or something. But some were erased after an order to preserve them. Bleachbit sounds more effective than hiding things in the shower. I don't care. It doesn't serve anyone's interest to prosecute her.

OK. I'm done with this tangent. I was trying to answer why other candidates might want to answer the way they did. I don't see Pence and DeSantis doing anything other than sitting back after their initial statement and hoping this moves quickly either way (it won't). Because every molecule of air sucked up by Trump will benefit him the way primaries work. I'd like a real choice next November, because there's no way in the world I'd ever vote for Trump. Never have, never will. And I'm very unhappy with all the spending and inflation, so I am genuinely considering voting Republican for the first time. Sorry... I know that's like claiming I kick dogs for the heck of it when it comes to the politics here.
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