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Old 06-09-2023, 03:20 PM   #120
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
Because it sounds like a party press conference. Nowhere in the indictment, I think, is there a claim that he intended to use the documents.

Nor is a grand jury indictment anything more than a group agreeing that what the prosecutor has presented is something that can be prosecuted. It's an early stage.

We don't know what's in the secret documents Biden kept. With Hillary, I think the complaint was that she used a home server and copied sensitive information, then tried to destroy it when that was revealed. At least that's what I think the "lock her up" nonsense was all about.

None of this is helpful. If you want to paint me as some sort of right-wing extremist, I don't think you're right. I don't even vote Republican. But I am skeptical of this prosecution because no similar analysis has been made of Biden's boxes.

They recovered about 10 documents from Biden's home IIRC. It wasn't boxes. Similar for Pence. It shouldn't have happened, but both Pence and Biden immediately cooperated and invited a full search of their homes.

It's clear in the tape that's evidence that Trump held onto at least some of the documents for his own personal gain. How exactly he was going to use them we don't know, but they're not going to charge the President of the United States with something like that unless they absolutely had to. That's a life in prison type of charge that we're not going to dip our toes into charging a former president with. If this had been your or me caught with that much classified info that we had access to then you had better believe we're getting that charge.

What can fairly safely say is he had hundreds of documents throughout Mar A Lago, including some in his personal desk in his office. He had them spilling outside of boxes in the room where most were stored with an unknown number of people having access to those documents.

If it wasn't a big deal or an honest mistake in the same vein as Biden or Pence then why did he jerk the DOJ around for a year and a half? Why did he obstruct? Why did he try to hide some of them? Why has he lied about being able to declassify?

We also know, based on the indictment that this was some of the most classified stuff we have. Both ours, our allies, and our enemies nuclear and military capabilities. This is the type of stuff Trump was waiving around in his office for people to see. It's the type of stuff that gets people killed because it's so sensitive that if it leaks it's pretty easy for our enemies to figure out who our spy or source is.

Last edited by Atocep : 06-09-2023 at 03:22 PM.
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