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Old 06-07-2023, 10:23 AM   #4
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001

Towards the end of Set 8 I paid for coaching from a top 100 Challenger player. For those who know anything about the game/scene, my coach is Frodan. He casts events, but he's also a very good player himself. He has a great analytical approach that I vibe with in a big way.

Our first coaching session was about 90 minutes. We discussed my history with the game, my goals, and some basics that he does with everyone. Then he watched me play a game and took notes, pointing out things that I did that were counter-productive to how I described my playstyle, and pointing out mistakes. THERE WERE SO MANY MISTAKES. I was able to make use of this immediately and improve.

I'm owed another coaching session, but we both agreed we would wait until the new set to do it. So I'm hoping to schedule that in the 2nd or 3rd week of the new season. My understanding is that the second session will be 2 1/2 hours, I'll bring a game I've recorded and we'll review it and discuss it together, I'm not sure what else is on the agenda.

For anyone interested, coaching is $80/hr, or $300 for this 4 hour two session dealio, I obviously picked the latter.


I've broken out my goals into multiple steps:

1 - Reach Master during the first two patches (first month) of Set 9. Typically when I reach Master it's much later in the set. My sense is that I have to let a lot of better players pass through and then I can fight through what's left 2 to 2 1/2 months in and make it there myself.

2 - Reach GrandMaster for the first time. Since I can make the Master rank with some consistency, making it to the next rank up is an obvious goal.

3 - "Final Table" the Aegis Esports AML League This is a league I've participated in a number of times. It runs for 7 weeks, 4 weeks are a regular season where you play 4 games every saturday, then three weeks for a playoffs. This league has a small $$ fee ($10 or $25, I can't remember) and has a payout for the top 8 players. It is well run. There are leagues for Challenger, GM, and Masters players, I of course play in the Master league. My best finish in this league was 10th out of 48 a few seasons ago. I'd like to make the final 8, the final day of the tournament.

4 - Reach Challenger for the first time. There is a huge difference in the top 1000 players and the top 300. This is like most sports or competitive games. The gap between the top 0.01% and everyone else is large. I believe reaching GM this set is 100% reasonable. I believe if I work at it and stay motivated I can reach Challenger, but I don't know if it's reasonable to expect it this set or not.

5 - Play in top level Riot Esport Events. The esports system is evolving, but in Set 8 there were numerous qualifier tournaments available to players in Challenger on the way to final events for each region and the a Worlds to end the season. The stretch goal here is to see if I can crack my way into these qualifier tournaments. It's a strategy game, older folks don't tend to make it b/c they have responsibilities. I have far less than most my age since I am still basically a 12 year old at heart. For now, there are folks with full time jobs who get to the esports level of things.
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