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Old 06-06-2023, 01:21 AM   #518
College Prospect
Join Date: Sep 2005
Originally Posted by flere-imsaho View Post
One side literally stormed the Capitol building, attempting to overthrow an election with violent force while the other *checks notes* wants people to stop banning books in schools. Totally the same.

Says the crypto-bro.

To be fair I have said crypto projects are 99% scams. I think as humans we tend to put the blinkers on. Living in a left wing echo chamber like this one where seeing the perspective of the other 50% of the country is genuinely alien. Watching that comfortable news channel, or reading that website, which aligns with your political views. Or living in a comfortable western country where "crypto" seems like a joke.

For me it's a money making tool, I just find it easier to read than the stock market. I don't see how that is a crime. That said I am only in for around 3% of my net worth, for sure it is a high risk asset.

Inflation Rate by Country 2023

You live in countries where your currency is debasing by 50% or even 300% a year you may take Bitcoin more seriously. There is a set supply, none of this printing out of thin air which leads to these horrific inflation figures. You legally can not own a stable (ish) currency like the dollar. Numerous countries which have frozen the bank accounts of their citizens without warning due to the financial chaos that they themselves are responsible for.

The left prides themselves in empathy towards others and minority groups. Yet in truth protectecting the dollar seems to come first in this case. Although the irony is that they are well on the way to destroying it themselves as they have made it a weapon. That factor alone is turning much of the world against it.

Whether it Bitcoin or politics I think it's important we don't get trapped in a mindset. Most often if we see others with a different viewpoint as fools, or with devious attitudes or low morals, the issue is ourselves. Our lack of understanding and empathy is on us.

Last edited by Hammer : 06-06-2023 at 02:07 AM.
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