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Old 05-30-2023, 08:05 PM   #492
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
I think this gets to the crux of the issue. Who, on the left, is the spokesperson who should publicly accept responsibility for the BLM protests? It's certainly not a political party. What occurred was not organized by the Democratic party and the violence that came out of it was, by almost all party leaders, state and federal, condemned. Is there some entity that organized the summer protests? Antifa is not even an organization - it's a decentralized group of far left militants. And I'm not aware of the Democratic party approving of or encouraging Antifa protests that resulted in violence. And I'd love to see someone tell me, in any particular riot, which ones were "antifa" and which ones were the same types of hooligans who rioted in LA after the Rodney King incident.

By contrast, J6 was entirely a GOP/right wing political event. It was not a spontaneous protest; it was planned months in advance by fringe radical groups and Trump-stoked "patriots" with what appears to be some "wink wink nod nod" assistance and encouragement from party affiliates and who appeared with and received support from many people in the GOP apparatus. And of course, after the fact, the entire thing was downplayed and multiple party leaders (including the top 2 candidates to be the 2024 nominee) are talking about pardons to this day.

So when you talk about the "left" and the "right" taking responsibility, you are absolutely equating BLM with the Democratic party as having the responsibility to speak for the entire "left," as if they had the same role in the Floyd protests that the GOP had in J6.

I see what you mean and mostly agree. Maybe a better way of putting is the left needs to stop marginalizing or downplaying it. You had a couple dozen people die, a billion plus in damage, and untold costs down the line.

99% of protests were peaceful ignores the costs some of the communities paid.

It's not a both sides or a scoreboard thing. You can accept that J6 was one of the lowest points in our countries history, that the violent Floyd protests were also a dark point, and try to make sure both never happen again without saying they were equal and constantly directly comparing the two.
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