Thread: ChatGPT
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Old 05-27-2023, 11:45 AM   #125
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
So an attorney in a federal case in NY asked ChatGPT to draft his response to a motion. The AI wrote a response, but it made up a bunch of cases. Like, just invented them out of nothing.

The other side replied with "We can't find any of these cases"

The Court ordered the party to produce copies of the cases.

So the attorney went back to ChatGPT and asked it for the cases. And the AI just created these fake cases. Which he then submitted to the Court.

The other said, again, responded with "we are pretty sure these aren't real cases."

(For those who don't know, cases come with a universal citation format that makes them really easy to find. So being unable to find a case is a real red flag.)

The first side finally admitted what it did, and now the Court is ordering them to show cause why they should not be sanctioned.

If I lived close to New York, I'd probably go just to watch the fireworks.
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