Thread: World Politics
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Old 05-23-2023, 06:59 AM   #138
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
I agree with this. It shouldn't just be FL but (hopefully coming soon) all of US.

And it shouldn't just be China or the list below, we should mirror the other countries' policies for residential property (e.g. not being able to own land vs condo, similar approval processes & restrictions etc.). Ultimately, negotiate to an acceptable set of policies for both countries because it's too way one-sided right now.

Yeah, real estate prices in hot areas are going to get hit, but eventually there'll be an equilibrium.

Chinese citizens sue Florida over law barring them from owning houses - POLITICO
A group of Chinese citizens who live and work in Florida are suing the state over a new property law that threatens to restrict some people from China and a handful of other countries from purchasing homes and land in the state.
I doubt it'll stoke racial biases significantly more than what was already there against Chinese Americans. But against Chinese non-Americans, sure. Same situation as in Americans in China.

The plaintiffs allege that the law, SB 264, is discriminatory and that it stokes racial biases against Chinese Americans and undermines their financial freedom. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed it into law and it is set to go into effect on July 1.
Below says the proposal is not US citizens but prob should say "or Permanent Residents".

It bars Chinese citizens who are not United States citizens from purchasing homes in Florida, with few exceptions. It imposes similar but less stringent restrictions on citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia and North Korea.
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