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Old 05-11-2023, 07:26 AM   #521
Go Reds
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Bloodbuzz Ohio
I took a similar path after watching FOK, with the added assist that my brother was already vegan so I had someone to lean on for advice and whatnot.

I would say my diet choices have been somewhat of a roller coaster, with the expansion of plant-based products flooding the market (great!). When Beyond and Impossible really took off with more offerings than just burgers, my freezer was packed with all of the offerings. I would often make justifications with the processed junk, thinking I need to support these companies as much as possible to support the plant-based companies.

This year I've been much more in tune with my body, and my diet. I've scraped the breakfast sandwiches I would make for a fruit smoothie, oats, or a fig bar every morning. The only thing in my freezer at the moment is frozen vegetables and frozen fruit. My pantry has no chips or snacks, other than nuts and seeds. I reserve my junk food choices when I'm out - there are so many vegan restaurants in Cincinnati now that it is easy to indulge whenever I need to.

I cook daily, being single it's usually some easy mix of rice/beans/tofu but I'll mix it up with an occasionally fun, new recipe (I've decided I'm making a cinnamon apple quesadilla tonight WHAT). I love trying out new things - I've just recently been making my own cashew cheese and experimenting with the right balances. I ran my first 10k this past Saturday, and I'm looking forward to doing more, longer races.


Question for QS on a vegan diet. How has this affected your morality when it comes to animals and the environment? I switched to this diet for health at first but it's hard to escape the other stuff, and now I first identify as vegan for the animals, and the health stuff is secondary. Watch Dominion and try to say otherwise, it's impossible.

Last edited by korme : 05-11-2023 at 07:29 AM.
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