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Old 04-27-2023, 09:57 AM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
IWS #254--Vacation Time

The Rules

The rules are the same as previous FOFC “I’m With Stupid" Contests, as set forth by the game's deeply beloved progenitors. There is no doubt about this. They are the best.

The object of this contest is to answer the questions posted, and to provide the most common answer among those submitted. For each question, your score will be equal to the number of people who submitted that response. Your score for the contest will be the product of your individual question scores. For the mathematically challenged, product means they are multiplied together, not added. Highest score wins.

Collaboration of any kind is strictly forbidden. No posting your answers to this board, nor sharing them by e-mail or in any other way with other potential contestants. There are no prizes other than everlasting glory and total consciousness on your deathbed, so the need to cheat shouldn't be an issue.

All determinations of "matches" and anything else requiring even the most trivial degree of judgment fall to that of the sole administrator of this round of the game. You can reduce the need for doubt and judgment by properly spelling your submissions, being clear, and that sort of thing. My decisions are final and utterly inarguable, no exceptions. I, and I alone, can determine what is right.

Any references that are unclear to you, due to language or geography, should be understood to be authored from the perspective of an English-speaking American. However...

Your answers do not necessarily have to be correct in order to score points. If I ask "What is the greatest sandwich?" and you and seven others respond with "Ruben" you each get 8 points even though the objectively correct answer is "Fried shrimp po-boy."

Hall of Heroes


Spring is in the air, which has me thinking of vacations, so here are 6 vacation-themed questions.

1. Stupid has scrimped and saved for years so he and his family can go on their once-in-a-lifetime big vacation. What city will be the centerpiece of their trip?

2. Stupid’s job has him travel a lot. And he enjoys taking recreational trips on his own. He was thinking it over the other day, and he realized that between work travel and fun travel, he has visited 49 of the 50 U.S. States. What is the one state he has yet to find a reason to go to?

3. Like many people planning a trip, Stupid has to decide whether it makes sense to drive or fly to his destination. What is the distance away (in miles) beyond which Stupid decides it makes more sense to fly than drive?

4. Inspired by some shows on The Discovery Channel, Stupid has decided to take his next trip to a (United States) National Park. But Stupid does not like big crowds. What park does he choose to go to, wanting to maximize cool stuff to see/do and minimize crowds?

5. Stupid has decided to make his next vacation a sports pilgrimage. Around what iconic place does he decide to orient his trip?

6. Due to weather delays, it looks like Stupid is going to be stuck at the airport for a while. At least there is a decent airport bar near his gate. How many drinks does Stupid have while he is killing time?

PM answers to me on this forum. Answers due Monday May, 1 at 11:59 PM Eastern time.

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