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Old 04-08-2023, 11:06 AM   #76
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
We're back. Without going into all the gory details, the way impeachment works was completely redone, and long story short, this event didn't fire.

Next up is my favorite phase, scripted events. I won't include the flavor events that didn't affect me personally, but I am including major ones even if they don't directly affect me...yet.

Blue Cross opened, got me points since I have politicians serving from Texas. Also improves quality of life. I guess nobody has tried filing insurance claims yet.

The big one, Wall Street crash. Economic stability tanks to recession, and crisis level. Revenue/Budget also drops into crisis level. Quality of Life and Military Prep also drop a little. Party preference would have swung hard to the Democrats, but it is already maxed out. President Hoover chose the option to let the markets recover on their own. His actions had no effect.

Lausanne Conference, agreeing to suspend payments for the Great War. Hoover chose to NOT forgive the payments, demanding Germany continue to pay. This hurt our relation with Germany, but moderates liked it and shifted further red.

A bunch of states repealed poll tax, which should help my moderates.

Japan invaded Manchuria. Our relationship with Japan decreases. Hoover chose to punish them with a retaliatory embargo. Relations dropped even further. Japan is now hostile towards us. We are pushing closer to WW2.

The dust bowl also hit. Hoover is pushing for agricultural relief legislation. No effect yet, but I think it gives bonuses to certain bills during the legislation phase.

One of the side effects of the economy tanking is that the industries are affected. Somehow, this worked out in my favor. Colorado, who I have the governor for, is now the nation's leader in natural gas. I've been trying to make this happen all game, and it happened for me. Also, the nation would have moved further blue as a whole due to these events, but as mentioned before, we're maxed out.
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