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Old 03-27-2023, 01:16 PM   #241
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
I spent a little more time on Twitter last week to check in. A lot of the people I remember are there. But the vibe was off. Much less dynamic than I remember. And just not pleasant.

And a decent number of ElonBlue folks there posting about how AI is even more amazing than we realize and how Biden can't be trusted on Ukraine.

It's like a favorite old bar that got new ownership and pissed off a lot of the regulars so they left. Superficially, it does not look that different, but in all the ways that matter, it is nothing like the place you remember.

I am now of the opinion that his plan from the beginning was to turn Twitter into a right-wing pro-Russia techbro haven or kill it in the process of turning it into that and he does not really care which one it ends up being.
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