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Old 03-23-2023, 10:09 AM   #69
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
The cards were assigned to our factions, and mine hasn't changed. I'm still moderate ideology, expansionist interest, and the lobbies I have are public education, free trade, and welfare. I barely missed getting Military-Industrial, and that is something that will be part of my focus for the next draft.

We're now in the congressional leadership phase. This phase has turned a little contentious within our party. But after the dust has settled, the only two candidates eligible for Speaker of the House, House Majority Leader, and House Majority Whip are Cordell Hull and Sam Rayburn, and they are both mine. Therefore, I named Sam Rayburn Speaker, and Cordell Hull Majority Leader, for reasons I discussed in an earlier post. Since there are no other eligible candidates for Majority Whip, anyone can run. I'm going to go for a sweep and am running Harry Truman. I don't think there's any chance the other players will let me control all three positions, so it's a long shot, but I am trying to sweeten the deal by offering committee chair positions in exchange for votes. We'll see how this plays out.

In the Senate is where the contention started. There are three candidates eligible, Carl Hayden (my guy), Robert Wagner (liberal faction, and Senate Minority Whip) and Huey Long (LW faction). There are also only two spots, Senate Minority Leader, and Senate Minority Whip. Other players in our party didn't want me in control of both the House and Senate, while I'm doing everything I can to make Carl Hayden a superstar. After some back and forth, and threats with voting, I realized there was a rule that for incumbent congressional leadership positions, the incumbent can only be challenged by factions whose ideology is worse than neutral. Both the liberals and LW factions have very high enthusiasm, so they aren't allowed to challenge me. So Carl Hayden will remain Senate Minority Leader, and Robert Wagner will remain Senate Minority Whip.

The Republican side is a mess right now, since almost all of their leaders didn't get re-elected. And on the Democrat side, the only race still to be determined is House Majority Whip. We'll see how the election plays out.

In addition, things have slowed down a little bit while we attend to some administrative issues. These are small things like subtle database errors that need to be corrected. While we are playing for fun, part of our responsibilities are finding these issues.
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