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Old 03-08-2023, 08:52 AM   #292
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
I think that the "no team wants to negotiate the Ravens contract for them" would normally be a weak argument. The GM could be talking back channel with the agent and hammering out something before anything had to be public. You could at least get a sense quickly of what his demands are and make a fast choice about whether further talks are even worth it.

But since the way to negotiate with Lamar is apparently either to just text him directly or go through the NFLPA, you know that anything you try to do is going to leak immediately. Which does make you look bad to your fans if you don't get him. And means that you will have to probably invest a fair amount of time/energy into even deciding whether it was worth having the discussions in the first place.

So, yeah, the best thing that Lamar could do right now, IMO, is get an agent.
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