Thread: ChatGPT
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Old 02-10-2023, 03:22 PM   #63
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
No explanation needed

Fade in:


Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton are sitting in the locker room after a game. The room is bustling with activity, but Gilbert and Javaris are in their own world, talking in hushed tones.

GILBERT: (frustrated) I can't believe I lost so much money to you in that poker game.

JAVARIS: (smirking) Yeah, I know. I have a pretty good poker face.

GILBERT: (sighs) And I don't have the money to pay you back right now.

JAVARIS: (serious) That's not a problem, Gilbert. I'll just take it out of your next paycheck.

GILBERT: (upset) That's not good enough. I need the money now.

JAVARIS: (skeptical) Really? And what are you going to do about it?

Gilbert stands up and walks over to his locker, where he pulls out a gun and points it at Javaris.

GILBERT: (angry) I'll take care of it. You're going to give me my money back.

The room falls silent as everyone turns to look at Gilbert and Javaris.

JAVARIS: (calm) Put the gun down, Gilbert. This isn't the way to solve our problem.

GILBERT: (shaking) I'm tired of being taken advantage of. You're going to pay me what you owe me, or I'll make you regret it.

JAVARIS: (firm) This isn't the answer. Violence only leads to more violence. We can work this out peacefully.

Gilbert reluctantly lowers the gun and sets it on the ground.

GILBERT: (defeated) Fine. Let's talk about how I can pay you back.

The two sit down and talk about the debt and come up with a plan for Gilbert to repay the money in a way that is feasible for both of them.

Fade to black.

The end.
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