Thread: ChatGPT
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Old 02-09-2023, 08:19 PM   #53
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
I still don't understand the hype. Nothing's been written yet that passes the Turing Test. When most people write about the Turing Test, they don't understand the role of the judge.

The goal isn't to fool the judge for a minute or two. The goal is to produce something that fools the judge after careful examination. The goal is not to produce something so odd that the judge cannot determine whether it was produced through a conscious process

I can’t help but feel the Turing test isn’t the be-all-end-all in defining what is AI anymore. But if we were to use that as the judge, I agree that we are not close.

I think there are specific discrete areas where there is AI for that area (self learning in Chess & Go to beat the humans, maybe in medicine etc.) but not that all encompassing SkyNet.

And IMO ChatGPT and like are just very fancy search engines. But I can see potential as things progress for sure.

Last edited by Edward64 : 02-09-2023 at 08:21 PM.
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