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Old 01-02-2023, 03:05 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
PING: Maple Leafs (and other hockey fans) - what makes an ideal Ice Hockey Arena?

I drove across country for Christmas this year (narrowly beating out the winter storm) and thus had a lot of time to think by myself since everyone else was on their devices (well, except the dog, but he mostly slept).

One thought that came skittering across my mind originated from an article I recently read that was bemoaning some modern sports stadiums and mentioned a "golden age" of baseball stadium building that may have kicked off with Camden Yards.

It occured to me that I feel I could adequately describe the things that would make good stadiums for baseball, soccer, football, and even basketball, but drew a complete blank on what makes a good ice hockey stadium. And I've even been to several!

So, any thoughts?

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