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Old 12-21-2022, 12:38 PM   #73
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Don't consider Musk a genius but he is smart, he's a visionary, he's certainly gotten lucky, he's certainly an asshole, he's a great salesperson & BS'er (almost always a common denominator in a successful businessman) etc.

However, he has done things that the royal "we" at FOFC would not be able to do (even with whatever advantages you believe he had and let's not forget his disadvantages like Asperger's). Sometimes a person needs to accept his limitations.

He certainly has the financial resources to right the ship. He may well fail spectacularly but it is his $44B to waste. But I will concede being a big mouth and "trapped" (?) into buying a company he was trolling is pretty stupid.

And his Twitter acquisition is <2 months old. Way too early to judge how this will play out but not a good start.
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