Thread: ChatGPT
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Old 12-12-2022, 12:20 AM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004

Anyone played around with it? I have (actually wrote a piece on it for a client), and it's a topic that's come up in a lot of sectors/groups I'm in over the last week or so.

My TL;DR take: This is a seminal moment in our history - one that's going to end up shattering a lot of current paradigms even at its present level - and lead to some thorny existential questions down the road as the AI gets better and better.


In its current state, the AI is producing consistently passable work, no matter what the genre being asked for (to name a few things: essays, lesson plans, sales emails, business profiles, etc.). It's not great and nowhere near the level of quality human production. There are some things that it flat-out simply can't handle very well. But the speed at which it manages to create these acceptable-level items is astounding. Literally seconds.

As of right now, I'd say its greatest benefit is the massive time savings the AI creates. It can save literally hours of work by providing a basic skeleton to work from and improve. Very exciting technology - one that opens up a lot of possibilities and doors.

The reaction has been... interesting. In some of the professional Facebook groups I'm in, which are normally harmonious places, there's been some outright antagonism as two camps have emerged - those who are having fear-based reactions of how to fight against the technology and those who see the potential for new, better paradigm shifts that might involve some short-term pain, but ultimately lead to much greater things.

I predict within the next 3-5 years, you will see a number of sectors radically disrupted and looking almost nothing like they do now. It's that big a leap - comparisons to the printing press, the calculator, etc. are not at all far-fetched. What society is ultimately going to look like, I don't actually know - there's a few distinct paths I can see this headed down (see earlier remark about existential questions). But it's a thrilling time to be alive, nonetheless.
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