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Old 12-11-2022, 08:29 AM   #9
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
I know this first Artemis is unmanned so wondering what the big deal was in having it return (vs sending it into the sun via BSG ) The answer is:

NASA's Artemis mission concludes with Orion splashdown | CNN
While there are no astronauts on this test mission — just a few mannequins equipped to gather data and a Snoopy doll — Nelson, the NASA chief, has stressed the importance of demonstrating that the capsule can make a safe return.
And just a reminder that Artemis is for the moon and also Mars. From what I've read, we'll beat the Chinese back to the moon (and wonder about Mars).

The space agency’s plans are to parlay the Artemis moon missions into a program that will send astronauts to Mars, a journey that will have a much faster and more daring reentry process.

It's good to have another space race.
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