Thread: World Politics
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Old 12-07-2022, 09:32 AM   #87
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
I've always viewed Indonesia as a moderate muslim country. There is some extremism (and also, goes without saying, a lot of corruption) but for the most part, different religions, culture and people play "okay" together.

Their laws (to be in effect in 3 years) is somewhat troubling, another tick towards extremism. My guess is it'll be in the books but won't be enforced except in some very conservative areas (e.g. Aceh).
International travelers have been flocking back to the popular resort island of Bali as the Covid pandemic subsides, prompting hopes that Indonesia's battered tourism industry is on the road to recovery.

But this week, controversial new laws were passed in parliament that ban cohabitation and sex outside marriage. The laws will apply not just to residents but also to foreign expats and tourists in the country -- raising concerns from experts.

Although the changes are not expected to kick in for at least another three years, industry players tell CNN that the new criminal code could put foreigners off visiting and hurt the country's global reputation, starving it of vital tourism revenues.
The new laws are seen as response to rising religious conservatism in Muslim-majority Indonesia in recent years, with parts of the country enforcing strict Islamic codes. In Bali, the population is predominantly Hindu and as a result has tended to have a more liberal social environment that appeals to Western tourists.

Malaysia is another moderate muslim country with large Chinese & Indian ethnicities. There's definitely discrimination from the bumiputras (son of the land) who owns the political power. They recently elected a (supposedly) reformist PM but voting shows deep racial division.

Kinda interesting where some ME countries are opening up to westerners (out of necessity as their oil will run out sometime) but SEA muslim countries are becoming more extremist.
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