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Old 12-04-2022, 11:27 PM   #348
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
RIP my friend Chris Wilkes. He died of cancer and kidney failure this morning aggressively brought on by a c diff infection. He was an epic game player and gamemaster
When I lived in seattle, his game days were a thing of epic beauty. Tons of people both serious and nerdly worthless. rooms in the basement filled with games. A fridge filled with pop. canadian chips and smarties or all sorts lined the counter.
YOu could get into a serious board game or a silly light game or even a party game. His upstairs was decked out with stereo TV and tons of dvds
Downstairs posters lined the walls. THere were 5 computers set up. And then dinner was the big treat in addition to the snax. pizza or other things. Once the board gaming died down it was always time for LAN STARCRAFT. We'd boot it up on all the computers and do a 4 x 4 against 4 AI players. It was always epic. As it was BEFORE i startewd on lexapro I was always cursing up a storm at the AI as well as the other human players that managed to kill the others so much more than I could.
But his house was always ALWAYS open.
Me and another friend used to say that he and his wife did attract the worst kind of nerd. Maybe I wqas one of those at the time. Or still am.
But his was a sanctum to hang out in and just chill. A comfortable place.
And he and his wife made it so.

Despiute the fact that I really really did not keep in touch much...mainly because I knew he liked to argue so much...esp with me. I tend to get sensitive about people arguoining and putting me down.
And he did make me feel that way sometimes. oh man....I didn't think it would be this soon. None of us did. Altho the friend that pinged me about it did kinda tell me that i'd better chat with him soon if i wanted to.
When I saw him he sounded and looked great.
I loved talking to him and wished I'd had more time to chat...but never really wanted to interrupt other things.
I"m just happy he got to talk and chat with lots of other people these last two weeks. Docs said he probably didn't have 6 months.
They were hopeful
I had no idea.
rest in peace my friend. A cat lover for the ages.
Goodbye Chris

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 12-04-2022 at 11:28 PM.
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