Thread: World Politics
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Old 10-19-2022, 02:46 PM   #48
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
Just a bit of context: That is a nearly-TWO-decade member of Parliament sticking the dagger into his own party.

edit: So far in the last twelve hours:

It comes out that there's well over the normal amount of No-Confidence votes from her own party needed to trigger a "Leader of the Party" election have been submitted, and only the technicality of new Prime Ministers getting a year in power before being eligible to be forced to step down has prevented it from happening. (edit: To make it clear, this is a Party rule, not a government rule, and can be changed if the party agrees to it, so it's ONLY a technicality right now)

The British Home Secretary has resigned for showing confidential government material to a MP (it was a proposed government position paper, so it wasn't huge but sounds like it's a pretext for resigning and attacking the PM, or a pretext for firing the Minister for basically being a culture warrior needlessly stirring things up and causing the government trouble at a time when it's all teetering. It could plausibly be BOTH)

The Government declared that a vote (on fracking) would be a de-facto vote of confidence in the government, and instituted the strongest line of discipline (a "Three-Line" whip, meaning anyone who didn't vote for the Government would be kicked out of the party in Parliament)

Despite this level of urgency (including reports of a couple people being physically made to vote with the party), there are 40 people who didn't vote with the government, abstaining mostly.

This causes the party's whip and the deputy whip, fed up with the whole thing (having tried and somewhat failed to maintain party unity, partially because members of the Government were simultaneously saying "You vote for this or you metaphorically sleep with the fishes" and "Eh, vote how you want", quit.

It comes out that the Prime Minister was one of the abstentions for whatever reason (it's believed she missed the vote because she was dealing with the resignations)

A two-decade member of Parliament says what apparently many Conservative Party Parliament members feel, blaming the Government and predicting the party will lose something like 2/3ds ("Two Hundred or more") of their seats in Parliament as a result of the omnishambles the government(s) has been.

It's like a season of Twenty Four. All this in the space of just a few hours

Edit Oh, forgot to mention one of the Prime Minister's key aides being suspended for privately briefing against one of the PM's political rivals (in the same party) in a targeted attack. In fairness, that was like, HOURS ago. Ancient History.
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Last edited by SirFozzie : 10-19-2022 at 03:17 PM.
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