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Old 08-17-2022, 05:37 PM   #17
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Did some buying of young players, then getting buyer's remorse, so I blew some points in the process. I ended up taking a player that I think will be good for experimental purposes: Viktors Aukstinaitis of Lithuania.

- Aging Factor: 103%
- Talent: 2.9
- Mentality: 2.9
- Peak Endurance: 4.4-4.5
- Peak Strength: 3.8-3.9
- Peak Speed: 2.9-3.0

Talent and then aging factor are obviously the weak points. Could be an interesting 'running mate' for Christensen in junior doubles, and of course I like the endurance and strength. But I'm curious how far he will peak with that level of talent. I find it quite interesting to observe what players get picked up and what ones don't - Aukstinaitis (too bad his last name doesn't start with a Y instead of an A, it's just asking for jokes to be made about it) - was sitting out there unclaimed for a couple of game-weeks. There's definitely worse players that have been snatched up.

Edit: Aukstainitis gets 19 experience a day for his talent. Compare that to the 30 you get at 4.5 to 4.6 for a roughly typical high-end player, and that's 11 experience a day he'll be short. Works out to right about exactly 4k a year, 60k over the course of a 15-year career taking him to upper 20s by which time anyone would be in decline. At that point it's handful of training sessions but not a lot as they are several thousand experience each. It's probably a difference of 0.2 each for skill and service for the peak years, perhaps a bit more but definitely not above 0.25. That's noticeable - but having an endurance of half a point higher as he does is definitely what I would take in the tradeoff. It'll be interesting to track how their skill/service compares over time.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 08-18-2022 at 03:13 AM.
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