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Old 07-18-2022, 06:44 AM   #164
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
I'm moving my terrible social life to this thread instead of the mental health thread. I feel that thread is for more serious problems

The last walk I had was actually pretty good. I talked with the centaur man "Ted" for most of the walk and it was good. He's basically the guy in the upper 60s guy I want to be. He's a retired CPA and seems to do what he wants to in life. But at the tail end of the walk I was able to talk with an "addiction therapist" Amber (not real name) who I think I may have a connection with. She was the first person to sign up to next week's walk.

Also I was at a coworkers house last week. She (lets call her Corrina) asked me if I was interested in dating the other coworker (lets say Barbara)that this thread was started about. So wonder if Corrina and Barbara have talked about me.

Also Barbara is on vacation this week for her birthday. I was thinking of getting her a gift card for her favorite lunch places and texting her on her birthday.

Any player ideas for me?

ETA: The Trumper didn't talk much this last walk. He was pretty subdued actually.

This is a great idea, get into hobbies and make connections with people that way. Also, the more connections you make, the less "desperate" you will seem, and that actually makes you more desirable. There's nothing a woman likes less than a guy who cares "too much". I know because I've been that guy before. Then when i would start casually dating, all of a sudden people's attitude to me would change. I guess I must have been projecting something different.
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