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Old 03-20-2022, 03:57 AM   #652
College Prospect
Join Date: Sep 2005
I wonder if perhaps its easier for an outsider to see what is going wrong in other cultures. From the outside looking in, maybe it's possible to zoom out. I come from the UK, and I know we have our fair share of problems. I have built a large number of friendships with Americans playing FOF over the years. So don't take this as a put down, but looking at America here is what I see...

Other countries look at the past 80 years and they hold grudges. Many fear America or are wary, exactly in the same way many fear or are wary of China and/or Russia. The history of conflict over the years doesn't always seem to fit within the good vs evil narrative.

I see respect paid to those 2,000 who died in pearl harbour from my American friends. Yet it seems nukes being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki causing deaths, suffering and destruction to hundreds of thousands women and children is swept under the carpet. Dismissed as being down to "end the war" on an already beaten Japanese force. Putin could say he is trying to end the war right now, by bombing civilians in a more measure manor. We accuse Putin of war crimes?

Numerous wars there after right up until modern times. Honestly it seems the motives are questionable in many instances. I have no idea how neutral your media is, in the UK ours love to spin the good versus evil narrative. But clearly there are shades of grey. We are told the Russian military is attacking civilians, but we all know they could flatten cities in a heartbeat or use chemical weapons if they so desired. They are holding back. Invasions seems to happen when it suits us. It didn't seem to bother us a whole lot when close to a million were slaughtered slowly but surely in Rwanda by forces we could of stopped easily. We did nothing.

I would also ask how as a nation you would feel if Russia and it's forces set up shop on your border. Cuban missile crisis? NATO forces are doing exactly that in ex Russian states such as Latvia and Lithuania. They trust us as much as we trust them. What would the U.S. do if a joint Chinese/Russian force set up in Mexico?

I think the pride and sense of righteousness people have in their own countries is usually detrimental. It really clouds being able to exercise an ability to see situations clearly for what they are.

All that said of course what is happening in Ukraine is evil and wrong. But black and white? Probably not.
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