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Old 03-11-2022, 04:00 PM   #489
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by miami_fan View Post
Russia has been hanging out in Syria for years now so there is a some semblance of a relationship there. Beyond getting paid (reportedly $200-$300), it would not be surprising if the Syrians have bought into the same Russian propaganda against Ukraine that others have. Ukraine could serve as a proxy for the West.

It would not shock me if the Syrians were not the only ones offering up their services for a price.

I think paying to get them to fight is reasonable. From what I've read, Ukraine's international legion are also going to get paid some including Ukrainian citizenship.

I can honestly see it as helping an ally. Russia help Assad stay in power. Assad is popular with some groups in Syria. But yeah, messaging is problematic. It'll probably work within Russia just because of the propaganda apparatus.

If I was Russia, I would also offer citizenship when it's all said and done. I can see that helping allies that live in way less fortunate circumstances. I'm not sure anyone would want to immigrate to Russia immediately, but 5-10 years, there will be a semblance of normalcy.
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