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Old 03-09-2022, 10:33 PM   #448
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
We are in an economic, technological, political (e.g. New Silk Road), and a military influence war with China right now. Trump pushed the issue and I agree it needed to be done. Before Trump, all we got was lip service from all previous administrations. Biden is continuing the Trump strategy albeit not as much in your face.

I read about Xi returning to Iowa (?) to visit the American family that he got to know during his college years here. I remember thinking having Xi as premier would be great as he's experienced US culture and understands us (at least better than other Chinese premiers).

Because he is the Chinese Premier, he is (understandably) vested in growing China economically, technologically, politically & militarily at all cost and at the expense of other countries. It is not a zero sum game (or pie) but we are at the stage where (generally) a +++ for China is a -- for the US.

Although I would love a Matt Damon "The Martian" kumbaya moment, I think we know it is highly unlikely. Forget trying to appease China. The US just has to get its house in order and do what is necessary to out-compete China.

If I was a senior advisor to future Presidents, I would advise
  1. Future administrations follow the Trump, Biden approach. Specifics may differ but overall recognition we are in a "war" is the correct one. Recognize that China-Russia alliance is what we need to counter. Recognize that China-Russia-India alliance will be very bad, we need to convince India to not be as neutral in the future
  2. Identify strategic areas where we are vulnerable to China in raw materials, manufacturing & technology and remediate it. Globalization with China at the core is dead, but certainly spread the wealth to other currently more friendly and reliable nations
  3. Do the brain drain thing. Encourage well educated Chinese to immigrate to US. Do not allow dual citizenship (from the US point of view). It's to the point where I would say allow dual citizenship for all current countries we have agreements with but call out & strip that privilege for Chinese immigrants. No, this isn't racist
  4. Continue to develop "the Quad" in Asia. India is a tough one but India would welcome much more US commitment (have to drop what's left of our commitment to Pakistan). Eventually, add other Asian countries to the Quad (although I suspect this would require a good deal of US economic and military investment to those countries)
  5. Grow military footprint and relationships with friendlier Asian & Oceana countries. I would call out Vietnam as a good target, they do not like China that much
  6. Somehow, not sure how, increase the chance of a Chinese market meltdown (maybe enroll George Soros to the cause? )

This will take $ and long term commitment, not just 4 or 8 years of a single Presidency.

Last edited by Edward64 : 03-09-2022 at 10:42 PM.
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