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Old 03-01-2022, 02:28 PM   #217
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
I get sending $ but also sending fighter jets? I'd think Ukraine would need more Stingers & Javelins (and spec ops to help out). Hard to believe they could maintain fighter jets for any length of time. But Ukraine asked for them.

Individual EU countries have already been helping with weaponry but fighter jets seem to be on the next level.

"This is a watershed moment": EU to purchase and deliver weapons to Ukraine in historic first

Looks like the fighter jets deal fell through.

European plan to donate fighter jets to Ukraine collapses - POLITICO
the announcement Sunday by EU security chief Josep Borrell that fighter jets were also on their way appeared to be a game-changer for European military assistance. Borrell was forced to walk his pronouncement back somewhat by Monday, acknowledging that any transfers wouldn’t come from the EU itself, but would instead be donated “bilaterally” by individual EU countries.

Soon after, a Ukrainian government official told POLITICO their country had sent pilots to Poland to pick up the jets and the Ukrainian parliament announced that the planes from Slovakia, Bulgaria and Poland would soon be on their way. But by Tuesday, Bulgaria and Slovakia said there was no deal to send fighters, and the Polish president, appearing at a Polish air base alongside NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, said no planes would be flying any time soon.

“We are supporting Ukrainians with humanitarian aid. However, we are not going to send any jets to Ukrainian airspace,” President Andrzej Duda said.
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