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Old 02-28-2022, 08:50 PM   #179
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Land O Lakes FL
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
From what I recall, Russia have approx < 200K for the invasion. True they can redeploy some of the remaining 700K but there may not be enough time before Putin has to call uncle.

The 17 mile convoy looks like a major push. If they get to Kyiv without being substantially depleted, my guess is Kyiv is done for. Don't know the terrain and the air superiority situation, but you'd think US/Kyiv would find a way to stop it.

Unless someone else gets involved alongside of Ukraine, I don't see any circumstance that would force Putin to quit this mission. Maybe the US or the EU throw him a lifeline that he could spin into him giving Ukraine a break but I don't think that is likely.

Putin does not strike me as a guy who is overly concerned about too many of his troops dying so if he needs to send in more troops to get the job done, he will. I believe that the objective of this invasion was for Putin to flex his military might and putting on his "Shock and Awe" campaign. He has failed to meet that objective. I don't see how he can remain in power if he were to stop before taking control of Ukraine.
"The blind soldier fought for me in this war. The least I can do now is fight for him. I have eyes. He hasn’t. I have a voice on the radio, he hasn’t. I was born a white man. And until a colored man is a full citizen, like me, I haven’t the leisure to enjoy the freedom that colored man risked his life to maintain for me. I don’t own what I have until he owns an equal share of it. Until somebody beats me and blinds me, I am in his debt."- Orson Welles August 11, 1946
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