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Old 02-26-2022, 05:56 PM   #51
College Prospect
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Raleigh, NC
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
The revised proposal which eliminated the potential for emissions by powering it with alternative sources of energy would have added 7-8 years to the project.

If it hadn't been canceled by executive order, it was scheduled to come online next year.

However, it's a dead project now. I don't think it could be restarted at this point without the government paying for what private investment was financing.

I know it isn't popular to talk about energy independence, especially since Trump is a big proponent. But I don't think it's out of bounds to say that without Europe's dependence on Russian exported energy, this wouldn't have happened.

The US and Europe are doing a great job reducing emissions - from the US and Europe. A lot of that is being moved to Asia and the atmosphere doesn't really care where it comes from.

Renewables have their place, but we don't have the advances in battery storage necessary to rely on them right now. Doesn't mean we stop trying, but the cost of insecure energy, well, it means that terrible people like Putin have a lot more power than they should have.

I appreciate your thoughts and balanced perspective on this. Seems like energy independence for us domestically and not having Europe dependent on Russia would be an important way to avoid situations like this.

For all his warts and flaws (and boy are there plenty) Trump was right about some stuff and the desire/goal to be energy independent was one of them. Sort of glad he called out NATO a bit too (may not have liked the way he did it) while he was in office.

It certainly would be nice to limit our dependence on our relative enemies (Russia and China in particular) for all sorts of resources and goods as our world politics evolves over the next few decades.

As I learn more about WW2 history it is clear that strategic goods such as Rubber, Oil, Steel, electronics, etc played a huge role in the eventual outcome (not to discount the will, ingenuity, and sacrifices of the Allies at all). I hope we keep those lessons in mind so we can be prepared regarding strategic resources, cyber warfare offensive/defensive capabilities, etc if it ever were to come to such a terrible point that we need them.

Last edited by BigDPW : 02-26-2022 at 05:57 PM.
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