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Old 02-10-2022, 06:33 AM   #68
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by bhlloy View Post
DOLA - also the failed drug test being the 15 year old star skater is just nuts on all levels. The backdrop of Russian state doping, her age and skill, the medication that nobody has ever actually used to cheat (but also doesn’t seem to make any sense for a 15 year old to take)… it’s going to get super ugly

And supposedly tested in Dec. Why so long?

The Associated Press reported that the sample was allegedly obtained before Valieva won the European championship last month in Estonia.

If the test were in fact taken in December, it raises questions as to why it took so long for the test to be reported. "That would be a screw-up on somebody's part if they're just reporting a December positive now in the middle of the Olympics," veteran sports lawyer Howard Jacobs told ESPN.

Top international sports lawyer Paul Greene also wondered how it could have taken so long to process, but pointed out there's no requirement that tests be reported within a certain period of time. "Sometimes these things get thrown to the lab and the lab sits on it for months, not through anybody's nefarious conduct, just through backups in lab testing, etcetera," he told ESPN.
But apparently someone can have taken it unknowingly ...
American swimmer Madisyn Cox successfully appealed a two-year ban that was reduced to six months after she proved that a vitamin supplement she had been taking was contaminated with trimetazidine.
Don't know what's going to happen but this doesn't seem to be a mass scale doping scandal (or at least not yet).
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