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Old 11-30-2021, 06:39 AM   #313
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
A quick retrospective on the 94 Bo Knows first wave. I went in pretty hard, buying a lot in the <140K range, but was flipping them for 170K every chance I could, just trying to churn. It was successful. As the price was drifting up a bit, I was holding maybe 16 of them, when I heard there was a promo coming up in Blitz to buy one of these cards. I sold about half my stock then around 170 or so, fearing/expecting a market drop during that window… but it never came.

So, I have 7 of them in hand now, including one CB Walls I intend to keep and use soon. Market seems up a bit, so I could likely get 180K-200K now, maybe a bit more soon. I hit this one pretty well, but sold off a bit too low guessing there was going to be another big bite at the Apple which didn’t happen.
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