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Old 10-31-2021, 06:54 AM   #85
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
I can't explain why but I'm kind of Gaga over her

Attraction is a funny thing that's hard to explain. I didn't figure out much about dating until I understood that it doesn't work very well if the attraction isn't there.

I'll agree that her facebook page doesn't matter - that's just a function of how she interacts with a small friend group. It's weird that it's all public like that, but social media is still in its early stages of evolution.

I would not try to friend her, though. A friend request accomplishes nothing while giving her an opportunity to view you critically while you're not present. It takes attraction out of the equation.

If this weren't a work setting, you'd just go up to her and ask her out for dinner or something. I get the "how else am I supposed to meet someone" argument, but work is somewhat sacred because she has to be there and it makes people feel unsafe to be approached, one-on-one, at work.

I think the group approach is a good one. Be early. When she comes in, make eye contact and say something to her. If she makes it easy for you to sit next to her (or if you're already there, sitting, and she chooses to sit next to you), then you can probably suggest a later dinner date when she's leaving.

If she doesn't give you a good opportunity to sit and talk during the event, she's probably aware of your interest and doesn't want to encourage you. In that case, you're going to have to let it go.

One of the hardest things to accept about dating is that it's not like a job application. It's a convoluted, mutual dance and if a woman is interested, she'll give you opportunities to ask her out. They're not the mysterious creatures of lore that we build them up to be when we're inexperienced.

If you're feeling hopeless about it, read This Side of Paradise (F. Scott Fitzgerald). Great insights from someone who came to the most ridiculous conclusions (he wrote most of it when he was barely 20).
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