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Old 09-18-2021, 08:08 PM   #143
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
So the way my daughters softball game went today didn't sit well with me. She is 8, I coached last year and it was coach pitch.

This year she moved up to the next level and it is kids 8-10, with the kids pitching until they walk 3 batters then coach pitch.

I am not head coach this year as we have 2 teams and other dads wanted to. I am fine with that as I am really not wired to be youth sports coach dad. The head coach is a friend of mine, and he asked me to be assistant and of course I said I would.

I am coaching third base and he is trying to teach the kids signs. When to steal, when to go first to third, etc...So we had a kid on first and one on third. We get a hit through the hole on the right side. The girl on third forgot to run at first so I had to run to the bag and tell her to go. No problem, she runs home and scores. I look up and the head coach yells to me that I needed to signal to the girl on first, who is now on second, she should have gone to third. I was like, wTF, they are 8, and told him I was worried about getting the girl on third home because she had forgotten to run.

So the last inning, we are losing 9-6 and we are up for last licks. We get a couple girls on and the head coach comes over and says he wants to coach third base instead. I am like, ok, whatever. Then what he does is every hit ball he sends our kids around to try and score, which they do because again, they are 8-9 and boot the ball and throw it away and don't catch it. We end up winning 10-9. The other team starts chirping at out coach and the ump even says "they are 8" at which point the other assistant on my team tells the ump it's his job to call balls and strikes.

The whole "win at all costs" really didn't sit well with me. If it wasn't for the kids I would bail out. I don't need someone telling me how I messed up coaching third base for an 8 year old softball and I'm not sure I want to be a part of winning at the expense of other kids inability to catch the ball.
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