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Old 09-06-2021, 06:35 PM   #38
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Just fired up another cycle of Team Builders, I think I had enough cash to buy 6x of them and post them all up for 46K or so. I have blown through some gold scratching the itch of training for the Browns team. It's awfully expensive to do so at this point, but... well, pursuit of completeness is part of the game, and the fun, I suppose.

Anyway, I spent about 35K on an 85-rated player, flipped him for 710 training, and mused to myself that maybe i could get everything I wanted to get done settled, and still have 500 left over to put an impact skill onto one of my players. Well, a tinker here and a bump-up there, and my 700 training had dwindled to about 90, so there went that idea. I still have work to do, but hope I can wait a week or so, in hopes that the market calms down and training gets cheaper.
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