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Old 12-30-2003, 08:59 PM   #1
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Location: Macungie, PA
Firefly - the tv show

The DVD box set is out and I can't find it (every place is out of it - will have to travel to a SunCoast). But, I was wondering if anyone has information about a possible pick-up of the show by another network? I am hoping the DVD sells out and somebody smells money and brings the show back.

This show ranks up in my top 5 favorites of all time and this was the first time that a cancelation pissed me off to the point of almost writing a letter to a network. I am a sci-fi junkie and this is (was) the best sci-fi show to ever appear on tv, IMHO.

I almost got my wife to watch it when I mentioned to her that it wasn't about aliens and kooky Star Trek stuff. But, she saw a spaceship and ran for cover. Her loss.

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