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Old 01-25-2003, 02:11 PM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
May 2009

Screenplay News

The first draft of “Vows” gets done and looks horrible, the only plus side being that it has a five star main character arc. “Punisher” looks much better, only needing major help in the plot twist and character development area.

I get the writers to work on “The 4th Reich”. Your check is in the mail Breeze.

I greenlight “Runway”

Casting News

I can’t wait longer for Kevin Spacey to be available. I am replacing him with Val Kilmer.

It is amazing, Assassin 1 and 2 made Kevin Spacey the biggest star in Hollywood, salary wise, and he refuses to do the third one. Hopefully it will do just as good without Spacey.

“Runway” - Comedy
Producer - George Fuller (300,000)
Director - Sofia Coppola (1,000,000)
Lead Actress - Reese Witherspoon (7,500,000)
Lead Actress - Sarah Michelle Gellar (7,500,000)
Supporting Actress - Kate Hudson (1,500,000)
Supporting Actress - Anna Paquin (1,000,000)
Supporting Actress - Mila Kunis (500,000)

Movie News

“Superman II: Kryptonite”
Completes post-production and is given a rating PG-13 of and a test screen rating of 99%.

“C.O.P. 2: Broken City”
Set construction proves difficult and it costs the studio $10,000,000.

“C.O.P. 2: Broken City”
Completes pre-production and begins shooting.

“Runway” - Comedy
Shooting Location: Los Angeles
Interiors Location: On Location
Elaborate Set Construction
Physical Costs: 40,000,000
Pyro-Technics: 1,000,000
Stunts: 1,000,000
Robotics: 1,000,000
State-of-Art Special Effects: 5,000,000
Tentative Release Date: Jan 2010
Theaters: 2,500
Television: 12,000,000
Print: 12,000,000
Radio: 2,000,000

Other News

Renee Zellweger dies in a plane crash.

Financial State
I can be as humble as the nexy guy
Or I can blink and make you crumble from the inside.
I can make you see the beauty of a new sun
Or I can be the source of your desperation.
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