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Old 01-25-2003, 02:10 PM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
"Striking Chords" Trailer:

Archer Stdios presents

(Camera shows Stiller sitting on a bar stool on a stage with a guitar and a microphone. He is playing "Mas Tequila" in the background.)

He is a singer.

Ben Stiller: Mas Tequila!

(Camera shows Graham serving drinks to a table full of guys.)

She is a waitress.

Man: Hey honey, why don't you sit on daddy's lap.

(The man pulls Graham towards him and Stiller steps in.)

Stiller: Let her go.

Man: Oh no, its the singer.

(Camera cuts to Graham and Stiller outside the bar.)

Graham: That was nice of you.

Stiller: Don't think about it. Hey, what are you doing Sunday.

(Camera cuts to Stiller sitting in front of his television.)

Or so he thought.

(On the television the man from the bar's face pops up.)

Anchor woman: And a man was killed today in a drive-by shooting.

(Camera cuts to Stiller on the phone.)

Harris: I understand you are interested in my daughter.

(Camera cuts to Stiller sitting in Harris's office, surrounded by two huge men in suits.)

Harris: You hurt my daughter, my two boys here will kill you.

(Camera cuts to Stiller and Graham walking in the park. A man dressed in a black trench coat is following them.)

Now, he better watch his step, because one wrong move and...

(Camera cuts to Stiller being held down by a huge man with a knife and Harris standing over him.)

Harris: You broke off your date with my daughter.

Stiller: (choking) I had to, my Grandmother ... was in ... the hospital.

(Camera cuts to Harris walking behind his desk and the huge man helping Stiller up.)

Harris: Take her someplace nice tonight.

(Harris hits the intercom button on the phone.)

Harris: Danny, tell the boys I don't need them today and send John's Grandmother some flowers.

(Harris looks up at Stiller.)

Harris: Roses okay?

(Camera cuts to black screen.)

Ben Stiller

Striking Chords

Movie Release #38
“Striking Chords”
A local bar room singer (Stiller) falls in love with a waitress (Graham) who is the daughter of a mafia boss (Harris).
Production Cost: 52,720,000
Advertising and Print Cost: 31,000,000
Foreign Advertising and Print Cost: 23,250,000
Foreign Distribution Fees: 23,250,000
Domestic Gross: 143,616,000
Foreign Gross: 72,518,000
Domestic Ancillaries (Pay-Per-View, Video): 33,131,000
Foreign Ancillaries: 9,528,000
Total Revenue: 150,726,000
Total Expense:130,220,000
Overall Performance: *****
Producer Ben Stiller: *****
Director Penny Marshall: *****
Ben Stiller *****
Heather Graham ***
Ed Harris ****
Production Budget: ***
Script-To-Film: **
Advertising: *****
Star Appeal: ***
Studio Net Revenue: 20,506,000
I can be as humble as the nexy guy
Or I can blink and make you crumble from the inside.
I can make you see the beauty of a new sun
Or I can be the source of your desperation.
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