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Old 01-26-2021, 03:54 AM   #562
College Prospect
Join Date: Nov 2014
It started with Citron attempting to short and claiming GME would drop to $20. Remember the entirety of 2020 and still this year you've seen retro gaming prices go up, bitcoin, vintage pokemon and mtg cards, etc. Yeah there's r/WSB but they are only a dip of the retail investors. Covid, people with disposable income stuck at home, the stars aligned for this one.

The only way this is over is if people sell out in droves or Gamestop dumps more shares into the market. The drops from yesterday were some retail getting out and institutional manipulation.

One of the hedge funds Melvin Capital just got a 2+ billion bail out to help cover their shorts. We're still waiting on one of them to cave in and liquidate to start the squeeze.
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