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Old 01-25-2003, 02:04 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
Jan 2009

Screenplay News

“Batman: Two-Faced Coin” still needs some work with the dialog and genre elements so I send it back to get polished some more. “Future’s Power” just needs a slight touch up in the plot twist area, but I send it back none the less. “Runway” is looking good, but I think it needs more character development. “Assassin 3: Insider” needs more main character arc. “Mass Murder” needs a rewrite in the main character arc and plot twist areas.

“Winter of Love” gets a decent first treatment, and it goes back. “Lightning 2: Nighthawk” is a pretty good first draft, but needs some modifications.

I get the writers to work on the Dramatic idea suggested by illinifan called “Vows” and a Qwickshot Dangers vehicle “Punisher”.

Casting News


Movie News

“Galactica 2”
Special effects need $24,000,000. I give it to them, as it worked last time.

Completes shooting and moves into post-production.

Other News


Financial State
I can be as humble as the nexy guy
Or I can blink and make you crumble from the inside.
I can make you see the beauty of a new sun
Or I can be the source of your desperation.
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