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Old 01-25-2003, 02:03 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
Archer Studios (A Hollywood Mogul Dynasty) 2009-

Experience the first six years of our operation here

And now, on with the show:

I walked into my office and I had a message on my phone from one Mr. Paul Allen:

"Sean, its Paul. I really proud of how you've turned things around in the past year. For a while there it looked like I was going to have to fire you, but as long as you keep bringing me those blockbusters, your job is safe. Oh, and good find on those FOFC guys, looks like a lot of talent for you to play with there."

And that was it. I love working for Paul, anyone else would have saw the two billion dollar debt and showed me the door. But Paul, he saw the big picture. I just needed to get warmed up, and I needed him to give me time.

Also, I want some feedback. Do you guys like the trailers or would you rather me go back to the fun film facts? Anything confusing about the format? Give me some info people!

Lastly, I've been recieving ideas lately for movies. That is great, keep them coming. Its hard coming up with original ideas sometimes and I welcome your suggestions.
I can be as humble as the nexy guy
Or I can blink and make you crumble from the inside.
I can make you see the beauty of a new sun
Or I can be the source of your desperation.

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