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Old 01-10-2021, 06:29 AM   #892
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by SirFozzie View Post
Ok, honest question here. If McConnell said to Biden: "Look, you guys drop the impeachment thing, and I will give enough hall passes for $2000 stimulus and most (if not all) of HR1 to get past the filibuster", would you say it's a bad deal to take it?

I mean, let's put the supposed "bi-partisanship" and "Wanting to make a deal" to the test early.

Really good hypothetical question for a nice discussion. I had to look up what HR1 says, see below. For me it's a good first try but no cigar (pun intended). The $2000 is not much of a bargaining chip, Biden and Dems will pass something anyway. Bullets 1 & 3 are less of a big deal to me but 2 is a little tempting. Not so much safer and easier to vote, but "ending gerrymandering" is a good prize.

IMO, it's not just one resolution (important as it is), it's the tone for the entire 4 years and it's also how the nation and world looks at the US.

Now what would move the needle for me? In addition to HR1, effectively guarantee the passage of Biden's first 100 days plans and

+ Trump censure with the majority of GOP Senators voting for it

I'm not sure what Biden's 100 days plans (which will take rest of his term to do) are but assume - Covid, economic assistance, holistic immigration reform, gun reform, student debt, something for climate change, corporate tax cuts, criminal justice reform, and strengthening Obamacare.

So yeah, a quid-pro-quo of HR1 + 100 days plan + Trump censure is definitely worth dropping the Trump impeachment #2. I'd take 100 days + Trump censure.

“H.R. 1 addresses fundamental governance problems including political money corruption in Washington, voter suppression and discrimination, partisan gerrymandering, government ethics abuses and foreign interference in our elections,” according to Wertheimer.

Biden also announced that a Biden administration is committed to:
  • Ending the dominance of big money in politics by bringing dark money into the light, empowering small donors in our elections through a small dollar public financing program for federal elections and introducing a constitutional amendment to entirely eliminate private dollars from our federal elections, and strengthening rules and enforcement of our campaign finance laws.
  • Making sure every vote is counted and protected by ending discrimination at the ballot box, making it safer and easier to vote, ending gerrymandering, and giving states and localities the funding they need to maintain the integrity of our elections particularly during the current health pandemic.
  • Ensuring accountability in Washington by strengthening ethics rules for federal officials, reducing the power of lobbyists, and giving ethics watchdogs more power to hold violators accountable.

Last edited by Edward64 : 01-10-2021 at 06:30 AM.
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