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Old 01-09-2021, 10:16 PM   #888
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
It's not the GOP hurt feelings I care about.

We need to give Biden a chance to work with GOP and get things done. Bring back some semblance of bi-partisanship.

I know, I know. Many of you now "got yours" (e.g. Presidency and Congress) and don't care about working with the opposition party. I get that.

But I voted for Biden, and one big reason is because I hoped we could go back to the old days (pre-Obama) where (stereotyping) politicians made deals with a quid-pro-quo handshake, sipping cognac in a smoke filled room.

So in a perfect world, Biden get a nice, fresh start but in reality, he'll have to deal with repercussions of the impeachment.
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