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Old 12-11-2020, 03:44 PM   #102
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
I generally believe in second chances. People make mistakes.

I like to know the context (has he done this before, under stress with kid in hospital, other parents think he's been a good coach other than for this one incident etc. ... whatever), is he remorseful and accept the bad he has done (seem to in the vid).

If he is an habitual offender, no question. If this is the first time, give him a path to get back into it after paying his dues.

Absolutely none of that matters in this situation, sorry. Good coaches don't do that. Parents trust us to build men and foster an environment that their kids can learn and thrive in, not physically abuse them. In many cases we are surrogate parents to kids from abusive or broken homes who play sports to escape hellish lives, not have them accentuated and this is especially true at the school I coach at now.

Coaching is not a privilege it is a responsibility and we aren't held to a higher standard, we should set a higher standard. That may sound "holier than thou" and over the top, but that is the passion and commitment I have developed in my 3 decades as a coach. I am not saying the guys life should be ruined, I am saying he should not be allowed to coach because he obviously does not have the temperament to do it. He made a choice to coach that team, it is not like it is vital to his life's existence, so yes, he does deserve a second chance to redeem himself as a man, just not as a coach.

I get pissed off too. I have yelled at players and disciplined them, but never put my hands on them and when I do get in a players ass, I make sure before he leaves practice or the game that night that he knows I still care about him.

Context doesn't always matter, and as far as remorse his half ass apology video makes it pretty apparent he is sorry someone filmed him, not that he did it.

Last edited by BYU 14 : 12-11-2020 at 03:47 PM.
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