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Old 12-27-2003, 01:23 PM   #137
Raven Hawk
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Thunderdome
I bet when you sell Jukka, he'll explode for whoever you sell him to. Sometimes players just don't like playing for a team. I had a midfielder at one point that I bought from Italy. I thought that he would be good midfielder for me. His form was consistent and good. As soon as I get the bastard he goes into a form funk that is unheard in this world. I sell him the next season, and jackhole picks him up. The midfielder starts to play up to what I expected him to play up to.

Sometimes you can't win . . .

Then I'm trying to bid on another midfielder today and the site starts to bog and I can't get my bid submited in time. It was another defensive middie that had powerful specialty. Grrr . . . now I'll have to wait for another one to pop its head out up in the transfer market.

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