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Old 10-13-2020, 08:45 AM   #423
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
It's almost as if this is all funny money propped up by spending from the Fed.


Fed has propped up and stabilized the economy before and doesn't invalidate the recovery (nor capitalism). I think we can all agree, very similar to 2007-2008, that we need to spend money to reduce chances of it getting much worse. Thinking back to 2007-2008, I remember reading about fear of entire system collapsing and severity of Mar-Apr was probably a "tad" lower but, for all practical purposes, equivalent with the "unknowns" back then.

My biggest beef is the add to the debt. Not a Dem or Rep issue, they both have fault. You can say 70-30 to 30-70, regardless, its a big and shared fault over many decades.

The conundrum is the balance of revenue/tax receipts and spending. Both needs to be addressed. I would love to see a comprehensive & bipartianship plan to address this but probably won't happen in my lifetime.

I've got pre-tax and ROTH 401k/IRAs. I've been telling the kids to go ROTH because I don't see how taxes won't increase.
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